The Banyan Tree Project @ Asian Human Services Presents………. SAVING FACE DECEMBER 15, 2009...
We’d like to reveal our “Naked Sushi” fundraiser models: Dat N., Ken G., Johnny...
AFC’s visit to Omar’s out in Elgin was a fright–but in a great way....
Asians and Friends Chicago members will serve as serving trays and “shot glasses” at...
A candidate for state representative for a district that includes much of Chinatown is...
Asians and Friends Chicago has many plans for this goulish month. First, Halloween Party...
About 15 AFC members went to Atlanta for the national Asians and Friends and...
If you haven’t checked out the pictures Ralph took at our 25th Anniversary Party...
Several members of AFC joined the West Suburban Gay Association for their annual trek...
Several members went to Market Days this year after Dim Sum. Here are some...