Our AFC Lunar New Year celebration is upon us. It’s this Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025. We’ll be closing presale ticket purchases on Fri., Feb. 21 and taking walk-ins at the door on Sat., Feb. 22 at $50/ticket. If you don’t let us know you’re coming, we may run out of room. So, please communicate with us and we’ll make certain you have a seat. More details for Lunar New Year are printed below, but also note our many March events, including our upcoming Chili Cook-Off on Sun., March 9 at 2 p.m. at The North End, 3733 N. Halsted in Chicago. Here’s what our calendar looks like:
Lunar New Year Dinner:
Our Lunar New Year Dinner will be Sat., February 22, 2025 at 7 p.m. at Furama Restaurant, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago in their West Hall on the 2nd floor. Highlighting the evening will be a raffle and special performances by AFC members (the House of Slytherin Players) based on the slithery, scaley, cold-blooded characteristics of the world’s most infamous and venomous reptile.
Presale tickets are $45 online until February 21 and $50 at the door. To purchase tickets, visit AFC’s website at http://afchicago.org. We’re also selling Year of the Snake T-Shirts the night of our dinner to help raise funds for our 2025 Pride Parade entry. T-Shirts: $25.
Special raffle donations coming from Atmosphere, Lucky Horseshoe, Max’s Place, Men’s Room Chicago, The North End and Sidetrack; music from D.J. Aaron Sager and instrumentalist Ruben Zapata; and special decorations from Luis Negron Ramirez, Christian Dumatol and Michael Nemeth. Performers include Angel Abcede, John Breen, Kareem Dixon, Adam Lanter, Rico Marante, John McInteer, Luis Negron Ramirez, and Aaron Sager. Plus help from AFC’s Board, Party Planning Committee and additional volunteers, Eddy Coronel, Wade Hellesheim, Danny Martinez, Steven Michaels and Bob Phillips. Thanks to everyone in advance of our wonderful event.
Upcoming March events include:
AFC Dim Sum:
Come to our first-Sunday-of-the-month Dim Sums at Furama, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago at 12:30 p.m. Our next ones are Sun., March 2, 2025 (feel free to wear green for St. Patrick’s Day), April 6 and May 4. We meet on the second floor landing. Meal cost will be split among each table. After the meal, we typically march over to SoFo Tap, 4923 N. Clark in Chicago. If anyone wants to pre-game, come to Fat Cat, 4840 N. Broadway at 11:30 a.m.
Chili Cook-Off:
Our annual Chili Cook-Off will be on Sun., March 9 at 2 p.m. at The North End, 3733 N. Clark in Chicago. We’re looking for contestants to bring a crock pot of their best chili. We’ll charge $10 for people to eat, with no charge for contestants. Attendees will vote for their favorite dish with top-ranking chefs receiving the glow of victory and a little something from our host venue. We’ll also do a small raffle to help raise funds for our 2025 Pride Parade float entry. Thanks to The North End staff for hosting us, as well as their sister bar staffers at, Atmosphere, Lucky Horseshoe and Max’s Place.
Dying the Chicago River Green:
On Sat., March 15, 2025, we’ll meet in front of the Apple Store on the east side of Michigan Ave. south of the Tribune Tower at 11 a.m. Feel free to come earlier as they start dying the river at 10 a.m. Just meet us in front of the Apple store at 11 a.m. We’ll roam around and end up at a nearby bar, most likely, Second Story Bar at 157 E. Ohio, 2nd floor.
Then later in the spring …
Easter Bonnet Contest:
We’re starting a tradition! On Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025, we’ll repeat our Easter Bonnet-making and Contest Day at Max’s Place, 4621 N. Clark, starting at 2 p.m. with bonnet making and then around 3:30, we’ll do the bonnet contest and Easter egg hunt. Prizes to be awarded! Feel free to come with your pre-made hat to compete. Happy bunny day!
May Fundraiser:
We’ll be at the Holiday Club, 4000 N. Sheridan in Chicago the evening of Sat., May 17, 2025. We’ll have entertainment, a raffle and music. Pencil it in! More details to come.
Pride Month:
Get ready for a June full of Pride activities, to culminate in our 2025 Parade float at the end of the month. More details to come!