March 4, 2025

Vigil 4 Vigil 1 Vigil 2 Vigil 3The Board and members of Asians & Friends Chicago send our support and sympathies to the families of the victims of the shootings at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Several AFC members attended a vigil in Chicago for the victims at the Center on Halsted. Chinese-Jamaican poet Staceyann Chin dared everyone to be out and proud–even if you’re “over it,” she dared everyone to march in this year’s parade. “It’s a great time to be Proud,” she yelled.

In that spirit, we invite anyone to march alongside our Pride Parade float. We’re float No. 53 and will be positioned to start on the west side of Broadway just south of Wilson. We are a couple of long blocks north of Broadway and Montrose in Chicago (the Parade starting point). We’ll be gathering there as early as 10 a.m. but will require you to arrive by 11:30 a.m. at the very latest. Thanks and we will see you on Sunday, June 26!

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