March 23, 2025

The start of AFC’s new Dining Club and a GAM-TV Premiere Tea Party

Wed. March 16, 2011: AFC’s first Dining Club gathering at 7 p.m. at Sun Wah Bar-B-Que at 5039 N. Broadway in Chicago. Part of a new, periodic gathering of members interested in trying new dining establishments, AFC members will experience new restaurants, critique them amongst each other and then nominate and decide on the next gathering place. The bill will be split evenly and thoughts from the group will be posted on the AFC Web site. Come join in this exciting new adventure. RSVP by noon on Mon., March 14 to secure a spot via AFC’s hotline: (312) 409-1573.

Sat. March 26, 2011: GAM-TV Permiere Tea Party, 3 p.m. at @mosphere Bar and Lounge, 5355 N. Clark in Chicago. Free admission. Cash bar. GAM-TV, a fledgling, new, grass-roots web channel based here in Chicago, is debuting its first “season” of three different series–a musical documentary; a news-profile series on Chicago-area gay, Asian men (GAM); and a comedy drama about a gay, Chinese-American 20-something making his first real, social and romantic contacts. Then later, if you’d like to be part of a group intending to go to a neighborhood (Andersonville area) restaurant for dinner at about 5:30 p.m., please call our hotline to RSVP, (312) 409-1573.

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