Just a note from some of us who attended the Wild Pug’s first “Gaysian” night. DJ Oskar presented a public face for an event that was supported by advertising in the local, gay magazines and staffed by Asian bartenders and go-go boys. It seemed that at least half of the crowd (35 out of 60 or so?) were Asian men of varying ages, tending to be in their 20s and 30s. Many of them came as groups, already knowing each other. Oskar said he had also invited his following, which certainly aided in the overall success of the night.
AFC Board members are discussing our group’s continuing role with the event. The current view is that it’s an opportunity to outreach and expand membership and that any establishment interested in supporting the positive, sexual image of gay, Asian men should be validated. While we are sensitive to the fact that an Asian-themed night, especially one that does use feminine images in its advertising might be suspect, our initial view of the evening and the club’s approach is that it presents a respectful outreach to an underserved audience. The imagery on the ads also portray a strong, masculine, Asian man–which balances the diversity of our demographic.
At this point, the Board members present at the first of what will be a monthly event (the last Thursday of every month), support the work of Wild Pug, 4810 N. Broadway in Chicago, and hope you all take advantage of their imaginative drink specials and of course, DJ Oskar’s lively mix of old and new school.
Angel. Thank you for your kind words and your organization, AFC. Gaysia was a success. To many more.
Congrats Oskar. We’ll see you at the end of February if not sooner … Angel