January 10, 2025

Received via email:

My name is NgocAnna P Huynh and I am a Researcher and FT Lecturer of Psychology at DePaul University. I am currently working on a research study concerning friendship dynamics and the changes that they go through once one friend enters into a new dating relationship.

I am currently looking for LGBTQA participants between the ages of 18-35 to participate in this study. This is not a study comparing individual differences! The focus of this study is to see how background factors influence reactions to this situation. I am collecting data from various groups within the community and was wondering if you would be able to pass along the information to your fellow members.

This is IRB approved and completely anonymous. To ensure confidentiality, the information is collected into a database and there is no way to track the person who has responded. At the end of the survey participants are redirected to another link, independent of the study, where they can enter to win prizes (Best Buy and Target Gift Cards)!

Please let me know how I can make this process easiest for you. I can drop off flyers and can also send an email blurb which you can email to your members or you can place the link on your website.


Thanks for your help in advance!

NgocAnna P Huynh

FT Lecturer and Researcher of Psychology

DePaul University

Rm 560 Byrne Hall

2219 N Kenmore

Chicago, IL 60614

PH: 773.325.7190

Fax: 773.325.7888

Email: nhuynh@depaul.edu, huynhanna@yahoo.com

Website: http://sheu-hp.psy.depaul.edu/~anna/

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