March 31, 2025

San Jose Mercury News (CA):

Among Gays and Lesbians, Study Finds Ethnic and Economic Diversity
By Mike Swift

A new study shows gays and lesbians to be more ethnically and economically
diverse than is commonly believed; Blacks and Latinos were the most
comfortable with their gay identity.


To judge from the images on network television and corporate advertising,
lesbians and gay men share the same demographic niche: affluent, educated,
urban – and usually white.

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong, says a new national demographic study that
suggests lesbians and gays are more likely to be older, “responsible”
suburbanites sharing a mortgage payment and listening to country music than
young turks partying in the Castro or Chelsea.

“We wanted to bust some stereotypes,” said David Morse, president and chief
executive of New American Dimensions, a Los Angeles market research company
that joined forces with San Francisco-based Asterix Group, a brand strategy
firm, in an attempt to paint a more nuanced portrait of the nation’s gays
and lesbians.
Full story at :

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