AFC’s 2024 Anniversary Party will be at the Halsted Hot Tub, 3526 N. Halsted, rooftop, on Sat., Aug. 24 from 3-7 p.m. We’ll have hot dogs and hamburgers plus some beer/wine. Bring more food/drink if you can. We’re collecting annual dues ($25/person, $40/couple). We’ll have a sliding scale for first-timers (free), allies and members who cannot afford dues.
Entry Process: We will man the door at the street level from 3-5 p.m. Then we will put a sign up to call Angel A. at (773) 459-6775 and we will come down to let you in. We encourage everyone to get there by 5 p.m. or you may have to wait until we can send someone downstairs.
We’ll also vote for our new Board members and roast our outgoing AFC Pres. Angel A. Bring swimwear and towels for the hot tub!