March 25, 2025

Happy Pride Asians & Friends Chicago members! We want to thank everyone who as donated or is working on the float or their Flower Power/Asian Garden costume for this year’s AFC 2019 Chicago Pride Parade float. It has been a long road of fundraising and FUN getting to this point, and we thank you all. And thank you to Kevin and John for throwing our Pre-Pride Party this past Sunday. So FYI for this coming Sunday, June 30, our float is No. 24 this year and we’ll be preparing it starting at 10 a.m. on Broadway north (midway) of Montrose and south of Sunnyside. We will be on the east side of Broadway. At this point, we have filled our quota for riders, but anyone wanting to march with us is welcome. Come at 11 a.m. to the starting location. Parade starts at noon.

Here’s what’s up for this weekend’s events:

Sat., June 29, 2-5 p.m. Final Pride-Prep Party (or our Angkor Twat Party) at Angel and Bob’s, 555 N. Artesian Unit i (like the letter after H) in Chicago. Beer and wine, BYOB and bring snacks to share.

Sun., June 30, Pride Parade and Post-Parade Party. Be at the float (see above for location) by 10 a.m. to help decorate or by 11 a.m. to be part of our entry either riding or marching. Then afterwards, we’ll be heading up to @mosphere, 5355 N. Clark in Chicago, for an after party from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Bring snacks to share and cash bar. This is our “cast party” for all the hard work that began back with our “Let’s Make a Deal” fundraiser all the way back in April. Thanks to everyone!

Angor Twat heads for the AFC 2019 Pride Parade Float

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