March 28, 2025

Warm up your winter with Asians & Friends Chicago! Here’s a list of our upcoming Events:

First-Sunday-of-the-Month Dim Sum: 12:30 p.m. at Furama Restaurant, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago. Future dates include Sun., Feb. 3, March 3 and April 7, 2019. Paid parking on street and in a lot south of the restaurant. Free parking on side streets. Meet at the second-floor landing. We divvy up the bill afterwards and typically visit a local pub for drinks.

Chinese New Year’s Dinner: Sat. Feb. 23, 6 p.m. at Jade Court, 626 S. Racine in Chicago. $35 presale, multi-course dinner with Year of the Pig “Slaughterhouse 3” Musical Review. For tickets, purchase them online via this website’s home page ( or mail a check to Asians & Friends Chicago, P.O. Box A 3916, Chicago, Illinois 60690-3916. Presale ends Mon., Feb. 4 and mail-ins will end Mon. Feb. 18.

We have our monthly dim sums at Furama every first Sunday of the month. So see you all soon!

And thanks to everyone who came to our Jan. 12 outing to the Japanese paintings exhibit at the Art Institute and the Norge Ski Jump the weekend after. What a great way to spend two snowy weekends!

Your AFC Rice Makers

AFC is a proud 2010-2011 inductee into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame, a two-time winner of Best Organization in the Chicago Gay Pride Parade and hosts of IFCON 2016


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