March 3, 2025


Asians & Friends Chicago is posting our list of upcoming events through our big Chinese New Year’s dinner next February. We’ll probably have a January event as well, but for now, here’s what’s planned. You can also check the events tab on our site. Feel free to reach us on our hotline too (312) 409-1573. See you soon!

First Sunday of the Month Dim Sum: We meet for Dim Sum at Furama, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago at 12:30 p.m., second story landing. Upcoming November 2, December 7 and our super spectacular “Dress as a Super Hero Dim Sum” on January 4, 2015.

Asians & Friends International Calendar: AFC will be collecting submissions through Halloween weekend for our second-annual Asians & Friends 2015 calendar. We’re looking for photographs of gay, Asian men for all 12 months, with the theme, “New Orleans: Southern Decadence.” Email Angel for submission, copyright and consent forms and other information: Three other A&F chapters will be participating in this first-of-its-kind multi-chapter project.

Halloween Party at Robert and Carter’s! Join us on Sat. Nov. 1 from 7 p.m. to midnight at Robert and Carter’s for a grand Halloween Bash, 5338 N. Ashland just west of the Andersonville hub of retail shops and restaurants in Chicago. Bring something to eat or drink as a contribution. And bring your best Halloween outfit!

Thanksgiving Potluck & ifCON 2016 Pow Wow: Angel and Bob are hosting on Sat. Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. what is both a potluck (so bring food and drink) and a meeting to discuss Chicago hosting the annual Asians & Friends conference called “ifCON” in 2016. We’ll also celebrate Angel’s birthday! The address is 555 N. Artesian Unit i (the letter after “j”) in Chicago.

Holiday Dinner & Ornament Exchange: Sat. Dec. 6 at Wing Hoe Restaurant, 5356 N. Sheridan Road at Balmoral in Chicago. We’ll be upstairs in the second-floor party room beginning at 7 p.m. Bring an ornament to exchange! We’ll divvy up the tab, but typically it’ll be in the $25 range with tax and tip. BYOB too.

Chinese New Year’s: Year of the Sheep! It’ll be Sat. Feb. 28. We’ll be at the renovated Phoenix Restaurant at 2131 S. Archer in Chicago’s Chinatown district with 6:30 p.m. cocktails and 7:15 p.m. sit-down, multi-course dinner. Designer Kevin Vong–who this year helped mentor “Project Runway” contestant Alexander Knox–will host a fashion show to honor the wool clothing that sheep give to mankind. Tickets and price are pending. Check back soon!

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