February 13, 2025

Hi AFC members:
As we’ve mentioned before, Kevin and John are inviting us to a pre-Pride celebration at their place on Saturday, June 16. Here’s the details, plus details of other June-July AFC events.

AFC party at John & Kevin’s
Sat., June 16, 2012; 3 p.m. until ???
1430 S. Michigan Ave, PH1
Chicago IL 60605

Note for Parking: The Spring Awakening Music Festival will be in progress that weekend, and parking will be tight. City folk should take public transportation. Suburban folk should plan to car-pool and then walk several blocks. Observe special parking regulations to be sure you don’t need a neighborhood sticker. Tow trucks patrol frequently and the fines are high.

CTA Orange, Red, and Green line trains stop at Roosevelt just 2 blocks away.

Feel free to bring a dish but not required. Feel free to BYOB if you have a preferred libation but we will have plenty of beer and wine.

Call John 312-331-0481 or Kevin 312-331-0480 for details or email jlump@fhlbc.com or kevin@kevinvong.com.

Other AFC June-July Events:

Sun., June 3, Monthly Dim Sum, Furama, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago. 12:30 p.m. on the second-floor landing. Street and residential parking. Restaurant lot just south. Do not use shopping-mall lots. You may get towed.

Wed. June 20, Monthly AFC Dining Club, 7 p.m. at Greek Islands, 200 S. Halsted in Chicago at Adams. Moderately priced food. Great tasting, comfort options as well as traditional Greek fare. Free valet parking available. Call our hotline to RSVP (by Mon. June 18) (312) 409-1573.

Sun. June 24, Pride Parade Entry. Meet at the Montrose street starting point (more info to come) by 11 a.m. We are marching behind a convertible automobile this year. We need two sign holders and four monitors. Theme: Wild Asia! We’ve also been invited to Robert and Carter’s at 5338 N. Ashland in Chicago for a post-Parade bash with FINC (Filipinos in Chicago) after the parade–just meander up north and join the fun!

July first Sunday of the Month Dim Sum, Sun., July 1 at 12:30 p.m. at Furama, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago.

“He-Bay” Treasure-Trash Auction Fundraiser–Sat. July 14 at Rick and Jaime’s. (Details to come.)

We are also honing in on our AFC Anniversary Party date and it’s looking like Sun. Aug. 19. So mark your calendars! (More info to come.)

Thanks all and see you this summer!

Your AFC Board of Directors
AFC is a proud 2010-2011 inductee of the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame

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