March 22, 2025

Besides our regular first-Sunday-of-the-month Dim Sum at Furama Restaurant, 4936 N. Broadway in Chicago at 12:30 p.m. (May 1 this month), please SAVE THE DATE for our AFC Pride Mixer on Sat. June 18 at 4 p.m. in the Vertigo Sky Rooftop Lounge in the Dana Hotel, 660 N. State in Chicago.

Wed. May 18, 2011

AFC  Dining Club–This month’s gathering will be at San Soo Gab San (a Korean BBQ), 5247 N. Western (two blocks north of Foster) in Chicago. 7 p.m. Parking on the street is available in residential areas and about a block south on Western. (They have a small parking lot out front but don’t count on it.) Expect a traditional Korean fare of multiple side dishes and meats we cook right there on a grill inset into the table. Moderately priced. Please RSVP by May 13 on our hotline: (312) 409-1573.

Sun. May 29, 2011

International Mr. Leather (IML) Leather Mart visit–We’ll gather at the second-floor bar in the atrium lobby of the Hyatt Regency, 151 E. Wacker in downtown Chicago at 1 p.m. We’ll move to the Leather Mart at 1:30 p.m. No RSVP necessary. $5 suggested donation taken at the door. Expect a huge trade-show floor of exhibits and vendors selling all types of leather apparel and accessories. You can purchase beer and wine on the floor. The group typically wanders together for a couple of hours. It’s always a hoot!

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