February 12, 2025

Asians and Friends Chicago Members:

We received the following letter. Feel free to respond …

I am writing from the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) in Chicago. I am the outreach coordinator for our National Asylum Partnership on Sexual Minorities (NAPSM), our project that deals with LGBT immigration issues. I wrote to you a couple of weeks ago about an event we are planning, and I wanted to follow up.

Just to remind you, I wrote before because NIJC, in partnership with the Strength in Unity Coalition and the Center on Halsted are planning a forum on February 16, focusing on mobilization of the LGBT community in support of CIR and building a progressive coalition between the LGBT and immigrant communities. We have also added a second forum date of February 23, at the Rudy Lozano Library in Pilsen. I think it would be wonderful to have a representative (or several!) from Asians and Friends at one or both forum dates.

To be a little more specific, we are planning to discuss the common ground and the benefits of partnership between the LGBT and immigrant communities, and then move on to the major issues facing these communities and areas where large scale mobilization can and will be key in the upcoming months. Finally, we’re hoping to talk about short and long term goals and strategies for advocacy and grassroots level outreach. If all goes well, this will hopefully jump start a coalition of the groups involved that will have some real power. The event will be pretty low-key and informal, but hopefully will generate a lot of great ideas, strategies, and aims.

We would be delighted to have you there, and please let me know if you have any questions.


Hannah Rapp
National Immigrant Justice Center
A Heartland Alliance Partner
208 S. LaSalle St., Suite 1818
Chicago, IL 60604
312-660-1306 (direct)
312-660-1505 (fax)

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