The official website of Asians & Friends Chicago, supporting the gay asian community since 1984, and proud 2010 inductee to the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame
I am a queer Filipino American theater artist/comic/writer/entertainer. I am currently entered in this
contest for MTV/Logo’s “The Big Gay Sketch Show.” My audition involves submitting videos and blogs and then having people hit the MTV/Logo website and voting for me.
I would greatly appreciate you support, VOTE every day, yes every day, I am in the TOP 25 and currently I am the only API in the top 50. It would be great to get more Asian representation in the media -oh and
I’m funny and talented too!
Please check out the link and see my submission, and please vote, and share with friends. I am only going to get there with votes, tons of them -and I am hoping there is a grassroots of APIs that can come through for me.